September 13

9/13 – On Sept 11, 2001, radical Islamic terrorists took down both of the NYC Trade Towers. It was an unimaginable event. 2,977 lives were lost that day. Here in the NY Metro area, nearly everyone lost someone they knew personally. Every school system in the area had parents who were victims. This past weekend, the country paused to honor those victims and their families/survivors. May they rest in peace. Now, 20 years later, over 660,000 Americans are dead due to another disaster. That’s 222 times more casualties than on 9/11/01. This time, businesses and residents are not only leaving  NYC, but they are fleeing every big city in the U.S. As an American, I dream the impossible dream that - similar to what happened after 9/11 – the country will put aside its differences and once again come together to contain a lethal foe, to heal, and to rebuild our great nation.

Sheena Levi