April 22

In Thursday’s Cattle on Feed Report, the USDA said new placements onto feedlots in March were up 4.8% from a year ago. The April 1st feedlot inventory at 11.96M head was 2.0% above a year ago and the highest April inventory since the data series began in 1996.

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Sheena Levi
April 15

China’s African Swine Fever just keeps going from bad to worse. On Thursday, Rabobank said that up to 200 million Chinese pigs could be culled or die as result of the disease. The drop would drag down China’s 2019 pork output by 30% from a year ago – a decline of 16 million metric tons.

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Sheena Levi
April 8

It’s that time of year when refiners begin transitioning to more expensive, summer-grade fuel. This year’s seasonal price increases will get an extra boost as a result of U.S. sanctions against Venezuela, rising crude oil prices and Midwest flooding that has impeded the production and distribution of ethanol.

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Sheena Levi
April 1

In Thursday’s quarterly Hogs & Pigs Report, the USDA confirmed very large U.S. pork supplies. As of March 1st, total hog numbers and the market hog inventory were both up 2.1% from a year ago.

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Sheena Levi
March 25

In Friday’s Cattle on Feed Report, the USDA said new placements onto feedlots in Feb were up 2.2% from a year ago, surprising private analysts whose consensus forecast was for a 3.8% decrease. The March 1st feedlot inventory at 11.8M head was 0.7% above a year ago, while most agricultural economists had expected the first monthly decline since Dec 2016.

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Sheena Levi
March 18

In last week’s Livestock, Dairy & Poultry Outlook, the USDA highlighted strong U.S. protein exports in 2018 driven by “domestic production increases and favorable foreign demand.” The USDA reported 2018 beef exports up 10.3%; pork +4.2%; broiler +4.1% and dairy products +9.5%. Eggs, down 6.1% and turkey -1.8% were the notable exceptions.

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Sheena Levi
March 11

In Friday’s WASDE report, the USDA increased 2018/19 corn ending stocks by 100M bushels, based on a projected 25M bushel decrease in corn usage for ethanol and a 75M bushel reduction in corn export forecast.

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Sheena Levi
March 4

The USDA’s annual cattle inventory report (originally scheduled for Jan 31) was released on Feb 28. The USDA said there were 94.8M head of cattle in the U.S. on Jan 1, up 0.5% from a year ago.

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Sheena Levi
February 25

The USDA is just about back on schedule with reporting. In Friday’s Cattle on Feed Report, the USDA said new placements onto feedlots in Dec 2018 were down 1.8% vs. Dec 2017.

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Sheena Levi
February 18

In the delayed Grain Stocks Report, the USDA raised 2018/19 soybean oil output due to increased crush and a higher oil extraction rate.

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Sheena Levi
February 11

The USDA released a slew of data on Friday, including Feb’s WASDE report – the first in two months. The Jan WASDE was cancelled due to the gov’t shutdown.

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Sheena Levi
February 4

Shutdown Update: The USDA is finally getting back on track and Feb 8 is looming as a big day. While Jan’s WASDE report will be skipped, Feb’s WASDE will be released on schedule this Friday.

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Sheena Levi
January 14

The U.S. economy was humming in 2018. Employers added 220,000 jobs/month (on average) in 2018, well above 2017’s 182,000 monthly pace.

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Sheena Levi
January 7

From a commodity standpoint, the U.S. government shutdown is a minor disaster. Unlike the 2013 shutdown, USDA AMS Market News is now an “essential” service.

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Sheena Levi