May 22

5/22 – After interviewing suppliers, commodity experts, and supply chain professionals of major chain restaurant companies who were in Chicago this weekend – the only real consensus on CA’s Prop 12 (effective July 1), and Mass’ Question 3 (effective June 10), is mass confusion. Both states’ laws restrict the sale of uncooked, whole pork cuts from hogs that do not meet the new gestation crate requirements. Ground products, ready-to-eat products, and combination products (sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, soups) are (so far) exempt. This appears to give restaurants a lot of leeway except for ribs and bacon. Yet, chains debated whether to load up their DCs with pork products, or to deplete inventory fearing the pork would not be legal to ship (even in-state) following the implementation dates. Further rulings could complicate things in either state, so it seems prudent to take a wait-and-see approach at this point.

Sheena Levi