June 12

6/12 – Last week, the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Animal Care Program hosted a webinar on Proposition 12. The CDFA’s Dr. Elizabeth Cox cleared the air a bit by saying “…the bottom line is, anything that’s ready to eat out of the package…. does not fall under Prop 12. For example, fully cooked bacon …. does not fall under Prop 12 as a covered product.” Ground pork products and combination products (sandwiches, hot dogs, pizza, soups) are also exempt. This appears to give restaurants a lot of leeway except for ribs and bacon. Additionally, there will be a “phase-in” period over the next 6 months. Non-compliant pork already in inventory can still be sold after the law takes effect on July 1. Also, restaurants merely need to obtain documentation from their distributors that they are receiving complaint product - and they won’t need to register with the state or do any additional bookkeeping.

California’s Proposition-12 will take effect on July 1, 2023. Here are two documents from The California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) with some basic Prop-12 Guidance and a list of distributors who are registered with CDFA to deliver Prop-12 compliant products.

Learn more: www.cdfa.ca.gov/AHFSS/AnimalCare/

Sheena Levi