November 1

11/1 – Rising prices will affect us in so many ways in 2022. Here are some quotes from Market Vision’s Fall Conference. “Rising natural gas prices will escalate home heating costs by 30%, or roughly $200 per month, this winter.” (John Barone, Market Vision). “New energy policy regarding renewable diesel is anticipated to send production from 60M gallons in 2020 to 5.1B gallons in 2024 - and consume better than 60% of total U.S. soy-oil output. Any market dip to the mid-$50s/lb is a contracting opportunity for soy-oil.” (Brian Williams, Macquarie Bank). “The ratio of eggs being set into incubators vs. chicks hatched/placed continues to be a problem. Roosters just aren’t getting the job done.” (Eric Scholar, EMI). If you missed these presentations live, you can still sign up as a virtual attendee to watch the recorded sessions. Just send a request to Janet Cohen (

Sheena Levi