January 27

1/27 – In Friday’s Cattle on Feed report, the USDA said new placements onto feedlots in Dec were 3.5% above a year ago and the Jan 1st feedlot inventory, at 11.96M head, was 2.3% above last year. Heifers on feed are up 4.0% and now account for 38.3% of feedlot inventories - a level that indicates producers are not retaining enough females for continued herd expansion. In Jan’s Livestock, Dairy & Poultry Outlook, the USDA again reduced projected 2020 beef output to just 1.1% above a year ago – and that meager increase will be more than offset by a 9.3% jump in exports and a 5.9% decline in imports. In 2019, Australian beef exports to the U.S. - mostly 90s lean trimmings - were up 8.9% as a multiple-year drought led to herd liquidation and higher slaughter rates. However, smaller cattle herds, damage from fires and China’s huge protein needs will make Aussie beef scarce in 2020.

Sheena Levi